New Newsletter for 2024!

Welcome to Wellbeing with Erin

Explore experiential living. Today's thread: balance


JAN 8, 2024

“life is a balance of holding on and letting go” ~ Rumi

Today’s Thread: What Does Balance Mean to You?

As we welcome in a new year, we enter the season of reflection and reset for many. Where are you on the spectrum of reflecting, releasing, and resetting? Does the idea of resolutions and setting intentions and goals excite or fluster you? Many of us are living in the spaces-between.

Definition and Etymology of the Word Balance

Balance can be defined as both a noun and a verb. Here is a brief excerpt Merriam-Webster offers:



1.) physical equilibrium

2.) stability produced by even distribution of weight on each side of the vertical axis

2a.) equipoise between contrasting, opposing, or interacting elements


balanced, balancing

1.) to bring into harmony or proportion

2.) counterbalance, offset - to equalize in weight, number, or proportion

Hmm, are we getting closer to understanding what “balance” means? What about when we hear people, teachers, coaches, or anyone talk about finding balance? What IS work-life balance, really? A balanced diet? A balanced budget? So many iterations to consider here. Let’s focus and distill. Honing in on cultivating balance that is meaningful.

From a spiritual lens, there are many perspectives to consider. Within the book Peace is Every Step by, Thich Naht Hahn, the author coins the term inter-being in his discussion of connectedness. According to him and others, inter-being qualifies as a state of interdependence with all beings, one that already exists within and around us at all times.

Could learning more about, or even experiencing inter-being, help guide us towards daily balance? For example, if a crisis arises, are we able to meet that situation while still remaining grounded in our bodies, responding versus reacting harshly? Would this qualify as “balance?” That depends on who we are and what we believe. Within the fresh year before us awaits an opportunity to embark on an exploration of our own relationship with balance, and the nuance of applied balancing.

In reading the definition(s) of balance above, noted is a theme of equanimity or equal distribution. On a physical plane we can relate to this experience of balance in a Yoga pose such as tree. Just feeling the sensations of the foot, ankle and calf mitigate the loss of the other foot on the ground, offers us an opportunity to hone our attention, focus, and ground firmly into the existing foot. Could this physical practice of embodied balance lead to mental and emotional balance, or even spiritual connection? Perhaps! This year, rather than committing to an outlandish goal or a stressful push, what if we call-in the energy of balance — physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually? What might we discover surrounding our own experience of the ongoing practice of the verb — balancing? This Chinese Proverb offers much to contemplate when considering resolutions, balance, and living a conscious lifestyle in 2024: The journey is the reward.

Why Share a Newsletter?

To communicate, connect, and buoy community! Yep, that’s it. Let’s practice connection, together! Have an idea, inquiry, or curiosity? Share it.

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Clarity is Kindness

I believe in the power of intention and being as clear as possible. So let’s talk details. What can you expect from this newsletter?

In this new iteration of the Schifferli Works, LLC newsletter, Wellbeing with Erin - I will be sharing news about upcoming offerings for classes, workshops, events, and private practice updates. I may share some personal and professional news and photos for fun.

And. Each edition will highlight a holistic-minded thread within health and wellness like today’s exploration of the idea of balance and what our relationship is to balance. In an interest to convey the intertwined nature of science and spirituality, I intend to share resources that offer us an opportunity to discover deeply, such as Peace is Every Step by Thich Naht Hahn, noted above.

Wellbeing with Erin is about connection and nourishment.

Winter Events and Private Practice News

January - February Workshops

At Serenity Yoga & Wellness

45 Min Yoga Reset Tuesdays 12:15-1pm EST, starts 1/9 In-person or online attendance (6wks)

Prenatal / Postnatal Yoga Thursdays 4:30-5:45pm, starts 1/11 In-person only (6 wks)

Art of Connection: Explore the ABC’s of Meditation, Yoga, and Mindfulness Fridays 10-11am, Part 1: Art of Awareness, starts 1/19 (small group class, limited to 6 participants)

Weekly Yoga

All Levels Yoga Tuesdays 8-9am at Munson Library in South Amherst: donation-based, all are welcome

Yoga Flow Saturdays 9-10am at Central Rock Gym in Hadley: free for members or $15 to drop-in

Monthly Yoga

Partner Yoga Friday 1/27 10:15-11:30am at Central Rock Gym in Hadley: must pre-register everyone welcome solo or pre-partnered

Private Practice - In-person and Virtual (via Zoom)

Now accepting new clients

Nutrition Counseling

Yoga & Yoga Therapy

Birth Education / Preparation



Thank you for reading. These words are offered in support of individual, community, and whole-planet wellbeing, along with a celebration of wonder and curiosity. However, if you prefer to unsubscribe at anytime, for any reason, please click the unsubscribe button.

Stay connected and Upcoming:

Next month’s thread will discuss nourishment and introduce the idea of transformational nourishment. Until then, stay connected and soak in some time in nature. Remember to share that beautiful smile! May all beings be peaceful.


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